We want to extend a sincere thank-you to everyone who has donated to our fundraising campaign. The response we received surpassed all expectations! We reached our fundraising goal of $3,000 in under 20 hours and have since gone 2/3 of the way towards doubling our goal for the Fall. All thanks to the enthusiastic and supportive community that you folks are part of.
In case you wanted to and haven’t had a chance to donate, the fundraiser will remain open for a few days before closing. AMBA is a non-profit organization and all donations received will be used responsibly, towards defined goals (such as the goals of this fundraiser). All surplus funds raised will support further, related AMBA initiatives in the White Hills/Quidi Vidi area. Stay tuned for another update describing how your funding was put to use.
Once again, thank you for your generosity! Together we can continue to grow a sustainable trail community in the White Hills/Quidi Vidi area.