The White Hills volunteer trail team is strong and has achieved so much in the maintenance and expansion of mountain bike trails in the East White Hills area over the past two years. We have reached the full potential with current land access and now must go to higher authority with the Federal Government to obtain a formal land use agreement and reach our future goals. Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) have requested that we cease all new trail construction immediately while they progress through an ongoing land disposal process. We have agreed to fully comply with the request.
We will be able to perform basic maintenance on trail sections that are deteriorated and have become a safety issue. Volunteer trail building / maintenance sessions are temporarily on hold until we can determine a path forward with PSPC. We hope to find a solution that works for all stakeholders and get back to work soon to finish our planned trail building / maintenance activities.
Rider / user access to the trails remains unchanged at this time. As always, we request all trail users respect the people that go to work every day in the two Federal Government facilities next to our trails by exercising caution and yielding to traffic when exiting the trail system onto the roadway; respecting parking restrictions and leaving no trace.
Stay tuned for more info and how you can help.